4 Ways I’m Being Consistent This Year

You lay in bed picturing your life exactly how you want it to be, and this is what you see…

You’re wrapped in your faux fur throw, on your comfy sectional while watching Netflix. As you look around you notice your home is impeccably decorated to your taste.

Today is Monday, and you’ve decided to spend the day in and catch up on shows. You can do this, because you’ve built the business of your dreams that will pay you while you rest.

At this moment, your biggest luxury is personal time, because you’ve built a life where you call the shots. You are the boss!  God has blessed you with the life you want, because you remained faithful in this one particular area.

Now its time for you wake up and you think, “What about those things that didn’t work out in 2018? Am I going to ignore all of the same goals I had this time last year? Why I am still in the same place a year later? How can I move past this?”

This very feeling is why I wanted to discuss my new word of focus, and not just in 2019. This is the word that has been haunting me my entire life.

It tapped me on my shoulder when I regretted not starting my senior year in high school with the cheer squad I’ve known since middle school.

It slapped me in the face when I realized I allowed the focus in my career to be compromised by comparisons, why me’s, and what ifs.

It’s time I work on being more consistent.

During the New Year I saw the word “consistent” as being mostly everyone’s word for 2019. It almost made me feel as if I was that young insecure girl saying what everyone else said, because that must make it right…right?

I have done the work to understand why I have been stagnant in some important areas of my life. Lack of being consistent was definitely my downfall last year.

I don’t want to say “New Year. new me”, because I hate that. Like…I really hate that lol. But opening my eyes to my situation during December 2018, has shown me my focus for the next few years should be on being consistent.

Consistent in Staying Focus

Having a side hustle is not easy, but it can be way more rewarding if I allow myself to stay focused on my goals. Each year I will establish focal point for my business, and allow myself the luxury of consistently focusing on building and perfecting that specific area for an entire year.

Consistent in Learning/Improving

I should never be comfortable with not advancing. In my personal and professional life, I want to consistently grow. My goal is to learn and improve as much as I can, even if it makes me uncomfortable. It will only be uncomfortable until is the new normal.

Consistent in Appreciating My Life

I complained about so much last year. Honestly, it was ridiculous and sounded like a broken record. God has me exactly where he wants me. And if I am doing all I can do to create the life I want, and I haven’t moved, it’s because I am growing in my current situation. I want to consistently look at my life as a blessing by focusing on the positives, and not the negatives.

Consistently Playing

Another thing I noticed about my life last year is that it was always serious. I rarely gave myself the break I needed to play, and enjoy these precious moments of my life that I will not get back once they’ve passed. I love my family and friends, and I want to consistently enjoy my life with them. I will allow myself time to play from now on.

I hope you guys enjoy reading some of my many thoughts. We are embarking on another year together, and I am so glad to share myself with you guys every week.


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6 years ago

You are 200 % true !!

Stef, from France.

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