What I am looking forward to

I have been working so hard to be fully available for you guys, and I am really excited about this time in my life. I’m looking forward to what I’m planning, and the things to come.

There is just this feeling that God is about to rain His blessings on my life.

Have you ever had that feeling before? It’s like you know you have been working your butt off, and things are about to start paying off.

Well I have had that feeling for the last month or so. I’ve been working hard at my blogging career for over 2 years now.

It’s just now that I am finally feeling like things are about to move forward in my life and career.

Forward in my Career

Right now I am working on freeing my time to be able to solely focus on the things I love. God has told me once before that He is ready to move me forward, but I was in the way of that progress.

I was not focused and doing the things I was supposed to do. To be honest, I really wasn’t giving it my all.

I have only been working on this particular project for a short while, but I feel like I am definitely headed in the right direction. It has everything to do with my career as a blogger, and teaching others the things I have learned thus far.

Trust me, I would love to spill all the tea for you guys. But for now, I want to keep things slightly covered up.

Because I love you guys so much and I care about my purpose, I’ve been putting in hard work!

I’ve been focusing on what I can do, so God can take my efforts and multiply them. Inevitably moving me forward into the career I have dreamt about for 4 years.

Forward in my Lifestyle

If you follow me on Instagram, then you are aware of me searching for a home. Well, I have found a home that I am absolutely in love with!

I can totally see myself in this beautiful home, and enjoying every minute of it.

So, you know I have already prayed for it, the floor plan is my screen saver on my phone, and I am going to watch God bless me with it!

The home is perfect for entertaining, relaxing, creating content, and promoting positive vibes. I keep dreaming about having family over, sitting at my desk writing blog posts, or just cooking a good meal in my kitchen.

I can’t wait to show you guys this home, once I am able to move in of course.

Most importantly I can’t wait to free my time so I can focus more on my blog.

My strong efforts of moving my life forward are about to pay off guys! I can just feel it 😁

I’m so glad you guys are on this journey with me, and I can’t wait for us to make many great memories together!


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