How To Enjoy Your Life

You guys know I have been seeing a therapist, and one thing we often discuss is how to enjoy life. Though I have gotten so much better, my anxiety used to rule the way I would feel each day. Constantly putting pressure on myself regarding my future didn’t allow me to enjoy life right now! When I would speak about my concerns, my therapist picked up on this.

I would say things like “In order for me to do this, I have to make myself do this”. Though reading it doesn’t emphasize on the mood this statement creates, this statement adds so much pressure to my life. My therapist noticed my patterns, and challenged me to make some changes. This will help me enjoy my life, and remove some of that pressure I apply to myself.

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Speak to Yourself Like You Would A Friend

This is by fare one of the biggest struggles I have to date. If someone I love makes any kind of mistake, I give them the benefit of the doubt so quickly & with much ease. Then I notice how I am with myself.

If I ever make mistakes I ridicule myself to the bitter end. Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be a mistake. I noticed that I am very hard on myself, and I am the reason I didn’t enjoy my life. 

The main challenge my therapist has given me is to change the way I speak to myself. I am learning to give myself a break when I make a mistake. Don’t second guess whether I have said the right things or if people would approve of my actions. If I decide to rest instead of working, I need to allow myself to enjoy my time of rest. I shouldn’t have to feel bad about myself or think I am lazy, because I have decided to take some time off. It’s my life and my decision to make, and that’s ok.

This is going to take some time for me to change. My normal reaction is to be a bully to myself, so learning to love myself with my words will take a lot of effort. Even in applying this new behavior, I need to be kind to myself knowing that things won’t change overnight

Live Outside of Your Mind

I am such a big day dreamer. Many times I have found myself enjoying the life I have built in my head way more than I enjoy the life I have been blessed with. Isn’t it funny how that works? No matter how blessed I have been, I have managed to build a better life for myself in my mind. That’s the place where my enjoyment is spent, but that is not fair to me.

I can’t build a life to enjoy if it’s constantly in my mind. And who would want a life like that anyway; perfect with no error? It is almost as if I am saying that I am as good as God, and what I have for myself is best. We all know that is far from the truth.

Lately I have been learning to take things one day at a time, and live life as it comes to me. It’s still important for me to have goals, but they should never rule my life. So, there will be times when I have to say no to the blog, and YouTube channel to enjoy life beyond my computer screen.

If God blesses to say the same, one day I will look up and my life will be better than what I could ever imagine.

Take Care of Yourself

It’s not being selfish when it is necessary, and it is always important to take care of yourself. If I am being honest, I don’t think it will be hard for me to make this a priority. I love taking time for myself to do the things I enjoy doing.

For instance, getting a therapist in the first place was a sign that I was ready to take care of myself. I saw somethings in me that I didn’t like, and I knew I would need help fixing them. See how I’m changing the words I use when talking to myself 🙂 I’m getting better already lol.

Now I have been doing more things I love to do. I’m spending time with family more, going out to eat a new restaurants, shopping for myself, getting my hair and nails done, taking the stairs more at work. Little by little I am working to become the woman I want to be.

I’m mainly telling you guys this because I will need your help. Sometimes I tend to forget what I should be working on, and I turn to a panic. So, if you ever see this in me, please do not hesitate to bring up what my therapist has told me to work on.

And this is not just for me! If any, and I do mean ANY of you guys are going through this you can always reach out to me. Hopefully this post has helped you as well. Know that your life is a blessing, and you should enjoy it.

It is the only one you will have 🙂


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