4 Key Steps to Moving On

I have found myself to be an emotional person, honestly what woman isn’t. In the midst of all the emotion I tend to have, how can I recognize the logic? Which emotion is real, and something I need to pay attention to? How will I know when moving on from a situation is my best decision?

If I am being honest with you guys, I have learned that we can’t always trust our emotions. Especially when it comes to making major decisions of moving on from something or someone that may be holding you back. Being rational at the same time you’re in your feelings is a rare talent that not a lot of people have, and you’re probably not one of them. I know I’m not.

So with that being said, how am I supposed to know when it is the right time to move on from a situation that might be hindering me? I have a four steps for you to take before moving on from your situation.

Allow yourself time to be emotional

It is so important to give yourself time to feel and work through all of your emotions. Making rational decisions are important, but you can’t really get to that phase if you are still extremely emotional about what you are going through. Sometimes it is best to continue through the storm until you have peace of mind to plan your next move.

For instance, the company you’ve been working for for 10 years completely looked over you for a promotion. When you find out, you’re immediately upset and decide to walk off the job. You have every right to be upset. No one wants to be ignored or feel invaluable. But would it really be the right choice to walk out on your job? In the moment yes, but what about when your next bill is due?

What are the pros and cons

Take some time and write down the pros and cons of the situation you are trying to get some relief from. Be completely honest with yourself during this exercise, because you will need this list when it is time to make a decision to move on from your situation or stay.

Be very detailed in writing your list so you can know what your next move should be. For instance, to continue on our first example, your company passes you over for a promotion. Now, write a list about the pros and cons of working for that company. A pro can be a consistent pay check, and a con can be your bosses inability to acknowledge your hard work.

Would you be happier moving on…really?

After creating your pros and cons list, take a few days to look it over. Really evaluate the list and think of all the possibilities you have for your next move. Do you really see yourself being happy moving on from your situation to a new one? Be completely honest with yourself. Are you settling by staying or are you rushing out of the door before your blessing comes?

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I would advise to take the time to reflect and pray about what your next move should be. You may also need to detach yourself from some distractions so you can think clearly during this time.

Take your time and make the decision

So now you’re here. You’ve have analyzed all of the choices in your mind. But there is one in particular that gets you a little excited…maybe a little fearful. You begin to think about all of the possibilities you have if you were to make that move, and you begin to get more and more excited the more you think about it.

Honestly, that is most likely the move you need to take. For instance, you have always thought about starting your own business, but have been too afraid to make the move. Is this a sign? Should you take control of your career and create your own company?

That may mean you need to stay at your current job so you have consistent income to reinvest in your business. Or you could do both and save most of the money from your current job so you can walk away within a year or two and focus on your company full time. Whatever the decision is, make sure it is one that will make you happy in the end.

Hopefully these tips were helpful for you guys. Is there anything you may be struggling to move on from?




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6 years ago

I totally agree. Stop to pray about it and see what other options are available.we always view change as negative because it rips us our of our controlled environment. All situations must be viewed in a good and bad manner. We chose to jump or become stagnant

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