5 Tips to Not Being Lazy

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I have a huge confession for you guys…I have been very lazy lately.

They say the first thing to getting better is admitting you have a problem right? Well, I don’t mind being honest with you guys, because I know you won’t judge me for my mistakes like the rest of the world may.

There are so many areas in my life that I have been lazy in, and didn’t even notice it until I got way too comfortable in my ways. I’ve been lazy in my health, being active, my responsibilities at work, my responsibilities for my business, & being consistent.

I have gotten too comfortable making sure I am not doing anything I don’t want to do, that it has caused me to go to another extreme. Unfortunately, I am not doing the things I need to do in order to grow my life and be who I have always wanted to be.

Since I am trying to get out of being the lazy Ashley who never wants to do anything, I have begun to adopt 5 tips that will turn into habits and bring me out of my laziness.

Don’t act or not take action based off your emotions

This is the biggest struggle I have right now. Everything I did or didn’t do was based off my emotions at the time. I wouldn’t go out because I didn’t feel like it. Sometimes I wouldn’t go to work, because I was tired and unmotivated. Once I began allowing my emotions to influence me a few times, they began to control me all of the time. It was becoming very unhealthy.

Now, I take the time to address how I am feeling before I make any decisions not to do something because of the way I feel. Just the other day I was about to decide not to edit a video for my YouTube channel because I was tired and wanted to lay down. I realized what was happening as soon as the thought crossed my mind. So I put on a good TV show, brought out my laptop, and got to work editing my video before I allowed my emotions to affect a productive day.

Stop living through the lives of others on Social Media

I have caught myself many times looking at other’s lives on Instagram and Facebook and really getting captivated in their content. It is definitely ok to get lost in social media every now and then, but it does not need to consume me for hours on end every single day. It just takes away the time I could have been productive, and living life for myself.

Now, I have limited my usage of my social media apps. I really get on social media during my Saturday mornings. That way I can choose to be on social media during my down time before getting out of the bed to start a productive day.

T-Shirt (smilar) | Cardigan (similar) | Pants (similar) |

Shoes | Bag (similar)

Write a list of your immediate goals & take action

Having a list of your immediate goals can definitely keep you aware of the things you need to work towards. During the time of me living through others’ lives on social media, I would sometimes feel like I was getting left behind. That is because I was not actively working on my dreams and goals.

Have a list of goals that you want to achieve in the next year or 2 somewhere visible. Refer to those goals daily to make sure there is no confusion on the things you should be working towards every single day.

Get enough sleep

One thing that can definitely hold you back from being productive is not getting enough sleep. I will say, being sleepy is a very convincing argument to staying in the bed and not do anything or go anywhere for the rest of the day. The best way to eliminate this problem is to go to bed at a decent hour. That way, when you wake up, your mind is refreshed and it will be easier for you to choose to be productive that day.

Have set days off

When I am trying to get a lot of work done with my the blog and my youtube channel, I can easily run myself to the ground. Having set days each month where you do whatever it is you want to do will give you something to look forward to. Sometimes, I will just pick 2 random days out of the month to lay around the house and do absolutely nothing. This has helped me make each day have purpose, so more things can be accomplished. It has also allowed me to rest better on my days off since I know I work hard on the days I am supposed to.

Hopefully you guys love these tips and they help you as much as they are helping me to change my laziness into productivity.

Until next time,


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