7 Confidence Hacks Every Plus Size Woman Should Know

Anyone who tells you that plus size women can never live their lives to the fullest is so wrong. No matter what your waistline is, you deserve to be happy! Of course, that’s not to say that it doesn’t get difficult to stay confident when everyone else has something to say about you. It might be a daily struggle for some, but as long as you prevent any negativity from overcoming your life, it will be easier to see the brighter side. With that in mind, here are a few ways to help you tune those naysayers out.

1. Meditate twice a day

Setting aside two sessions of 20-minute meditation provides a ton of benefits, including stress reduction and decrease in blood pressure. More importantly, however, it improves emotional stability. The practice lets the mind reach the quiet depths of consciousness, where there is true love and happiness. Research shows that those who meditate are generally happier and have better relationships with people. Who doesn’t want that kind of piece of mind?

2. Take a break from Instagram

Are you happy with what you see on your Instagram feed? Honestly, half of the time I am not. Last year Time Magazine highlighted a survey that found Instagram to be bad for mental health, because of how IG posts set unrealistic expectations and create feelings of inadequacy. I definitely agree with them! The study actually found that the social media platform received the lowest scores for body image and anxiety. Remember that a lot of posts you see on Instagram – or other social media channels for that matter – are either staged or edited to perfection. For your own sake, it may be good to avoid them whenever possible.

3. Try new hobbies

Instead of filling your mind with thoughts of insecurity, why not keep yourself busy with a new hobby? Alive claims that people who take part in leisure activities are 34 percent less stressed and 18 percent less sad, proving that taking up a new hobby can be beneficial for your mental health. Learning something new not only keeps you occupied; it also provides a sense of accomplishment. Opening yourself to new possibilities is always good for the soul.

4. Never skip your beauty rest

I personally need to work on this step more often. It’s generally known that a good amount of sleep can lower stress. However, many people have difficulty falling asleep because of the worries that plague their minds. One thing you can do is to write them down before bedtime. Leesa explains that the practice helps you let go of the problems weighing you down. That way, when you wake up, your mind is refreshed and you’re all set to start a new and bright day.

5. Walk with your head up

Every person has heard a negative comment at least once, but for some, those remarks are what they frequently hear. The sad reality is that it’s the case for many plus-sized women. Perhaps these comments come from a place of love, but it is never right for someone to shove their own standards down your throat. Whatever happens, never let other people’s thoughts slow you down. Remember my advice in this previous post? “Walk with your head up and take control of your confidence.”

6. Exercise every morning

While any time of the day is appropriate for a workout, there are special benefits you can gain if you exercise in the morning. NBC News documents these morning exercise benefits achieving a nicer and more calm attitude, as well as how you can appreciate more nature and wildlife. Furthermore, morning workouts keep you in a healthy state of mind and body for the rest of the day.

7. Practice gratitude

Every morning, before your proceed with you daily routine, reflect on everything and everyone you are thankful for. Doing this regularly promotes a higher self-esteem, since you are basically reminding yourself of all the things that really matter. I love to do this as soon as I get out of my bed every morning.

How do you guys feel about these hacks? Are they something you can see yourself doing to keep your confidence? Let me know what you guys think.

Until next time,




*This is a collaborative post


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