4 Things I’ve Been Praying For


How many of you guys pray in your spare time? I try to have some time to focus on God and pray everyday. Recently, I got sick with the flu this month, and my body had the nerve to take its time getting back to normal. It has been almost 2 weeks since I was diagnosed with the flu, and my body is just now trying to get back to normal.

Did any of you guys get sick this flu season?

During that down time, I became very grateful of everything God has blessed me with. Not too long ago, I would really neglect building a relationship with Him, because of so many lame excuses. Now, I have been building a better relationship with God, and I talk and pray to Him pretty much every day.


Top – ASOS (similar) | Pants – Macy’s (similar)

Boots – Torrid




My prayer life has been keeping me on track to becoming a better person. There are areas of my life that require a little more prayer and blessed oil if you get my drift lol. Here are 4 things that I have been praying for lately.


One thing I have always noticed about myself is my attitude. Not that I have a bad attitude, but I have noticed things affecting me differently than I would like them to. I have prayed that God help me develop a more tolerant and patient attitude.

I want to be able to hold my own and remain calm if someone is disrespectful or rude towards me. Letting things go, and not holding grudges has been a real struggle for me, so I had to ask Him for his help in this area. Basically, I don’t need my attitude getting in the way of what God has for me, so I might as well get a handle on it right now!




I have a confession to make. Sometimes I second guess myself, my talents, and how strong I can be in certain areas. So that there are no confusions, I asked God to expand my creativity so that it can blow my mind.

When I look at videos, blogs, and albums I get blown away at some of the talent that is sitting right here on this earth. When you are a creative person and your creations are still in their developmental stage, it can get either intimidating or inspiring when seeing the art others have created. I want to become inspired and learn to create things that will never allow me to second guess myself again.


Many people in the body positive community don’t like to hear when someone says they need to change their body to feel comfortable about themselves. So, they would definitely scream at what I am about to say. I do pray that God gives me the strength to lose weight and become a healthier version of me.

Before you whip out your pitch forks, I love who I am regardless of what size I am. I also spend the most time with myself, and I know what is best for my body. I have been plus size all of my life, and I actually enjoy being a plus size woman. Recently, I have noticed that my current size 20 frame is holding me back from being the best I can be, which was not the case when I was a size 16. Being skinny is never on my agenda, but I do want to live a healthier life.




One thing I have learned in my relationship with God is that I can’t always come to Him with the “I wants” and “I needs”. He has done so much for me that it would be selfish of me to only talk to God when I need or want something as if He is my personal genie in a bottle. He is so much more than that to you and me.

Now when I pray, the first thing I do is thank Him for all He has done. Sometimes all I do in my prayer is tell him thank you. I want Him to know that I appreciate Him in all that he has done and protected us from.

Thank you so much for reading. What are some things you have been praying for lately?

Until next time,




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6 years ago

The last one just reminded me how I need to take time to be thankful. I pray for almost everything else. I constantly pray for what I want. especially, when I am worried, I stay crying for what I want and need. I do that enough, but what I don’t do enough is just thank Him.
Thank you for posting this.

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