4 Ways To Reinvent Your Wardrobe

I am going through a bit of a wardrobe rut that’s why I’m writing 4 ways to reinvent your wardrobe.

Honestly, after my visit with Alexander Waldman, founder of Universal Standard, I have really wanted to do a complete wardrobe transformation. I always have just shopped for fit and not for something I truly want!

So on the day I recorded the Universal Standard try on haul, I realized that I need to invest more attention to the quality of my clothes versus the quantity. Like today for example, I just came home from work and I was pissed all day, because I was so uncomfortable in the clothes I had to wear for 10 hours.

Well I say enough with that, so here are the things I am going to do or have already done to reinvent my wardrobe.

Take Your Time & Find Style Inspirations

Now this is one of the times that Instagram stalking is encouraged! Find or think about the women whose style inspire you! Not sure if you have anyone who inspires you? Well answer these questions. Do you find yourself constantly staring at someones pictures daily or frequently? Do you tend to picture yourself in what they are wearing?

Well the person in your mind right now is your style inspiration. Pay attention to the pieces she tends to wear regularly, especially those you can’t seem to take your eyes off. What is it about that piece that captures your attention? If you are inspired by women with similar styles, then wash your hands honey you’re done…that is your signature style!

Find Your Price Range & Adjust Your Lifestyle

This is so important. One thing that can cause us to settle for clothes that just fit us versus fitting our lifestyle is not having the money to operate the lifestyle we want. We shouldn’t have to settle for clothes because of the dollar dollar bill, but sometimes we do because it necessary.

So to avoid this if your price range is more on the higher end try to always be ready. Start to save a significant amount of money just to shop when you find things you just have to have in your wardrobe. Maybe throw back $100 into a separate account specifically to shop when the time is right. And always take your time when shopping to insure picking quality pieces.

Sell Your Clothes or Give Them To Charity

These are a few ways to get rid of your older clothes to clear space for your new blessings 🙂 Here are the pros and cons.

The pro to selling your clothes is you can take the money you get from the sales and reinvest them into your new wardrobe. The con is the amount of space you free for your new wardrobe is based on how fast you can sell your old clothes.

The pro to giving you clothes away is you can be great help to someone in need. I know during the time my city went through Hurricane Harvey, it was such a blessing to have clothes to give away to people who needed it more than I did. The con of giving away clothes is you take a loss on all of the clothes you’ve purchased by not getting any monetary value in return. So, how you dispose your old wardrobe is completely your choice!

Book Mark Your Brands, Subscribe To Newsletters, & Start Shopping!

So here is the fun part. Write down a list of 15-20 brands that fit your new style and price range. Be sure to bookmark the websites of these brands on your computer so they can be easily accessible. Also, subscribe to their newsletters so you can be updated with any new arrivals, sales, and promo codes.

Now start shopping for your new wardrobe! I hope you enjoyed some of my tips.

What are some things you have done to reinvent your style and wardrobe?


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