When God Blesses You With Down Time

We all have those times when God sits us off to the side. If you are not aware as to why you are in the waiting period, it could drive you insane! I know I am not the only one that went through this.

When God first blessed me with down time, I didn’t see it as the blessing it was. I was so confused on why things were moving so slow in my life, and why everyone seemed to be passing me by. It seemed like He was giving other people the blessings I had been praying for for years, and He kept me in the same place.

Needless to say, this made me feel insecure in myself, stuck, and confused about my relationship with God. Was I really being a good christian? Is He making me wait, because I am being punished for my mistakes?

Of course when all of this began to run through my head, I had to call the one person God put on this earth that knows how to relay HIs message in a way I can understand…my Mom.

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Coat – Soncy | Top – Molly & Isadora (similar) | Pants – Macys (similar) | Boots – Torrid (similar)

Talking with her, made me realize how my mind will have me going up the wall if I allow it. I had to apologize to God for putting Him in a box and making Him human-like with my expectations when He is the almighty God.

One of my many (many) problems is that I want God to move in my timing. When He doesn’t do that, I tend to get nervous, afraid, and wonder why my life is not working as it should. Who gave me that power, because it wasn’t Him.

He moves when He is ready! God knows what is best for us, so I always have to remind myself to put my timeline on the back burner. I don’t have control of when certain things will happen for me. When He gives me downtime, I am learning to see this as the blessing it is.

I am taking the time to get to know Him better, and myself. If you don’t know by now, God loves to get His credit. So when He does things for us, most of the time, it happens suddenly. This way no-one can say that this situation didn’t happen without our almighty King!

What if He decided to move outside of His time just to show you how good you have it when He gives you the time to prepare? Imagine if He allows you to meet the man of your dreams too soon. You could be so insecure, and uncomfortable because you don’t understand why the guy is interested in you. All because you didn’t take the time to get to know and love yourself when God was trying to give you the chance. Who has time for those kind of mistakes…not I.

Whatever your situation may be, try to eliminate the urgency to get to the next phase of your life. Pray to God everyday, spend time with Him in devotions, and read His word. Also, spend time with yourself, get to know yourself in and out, build your faith and find the place of peace in your life.

Enjoy where He has you right now. Once He decides its time to move forward, you may not feel as comfortable as you would think. Get prepared and see this down time as a blessing.

Give Him full control of the timing in your life. God loves you, and He will not cast His pearls amongst swine. 


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