Making Tough Decisions

Lately, I have had to make some tough decisions in my career and personal life. After my anxiety attack a month back, I readjusted the way I think and behave. That attack brought me closer to God, and helped in realigning my mind and vision to more positive aspects. I wanted to discuss with you guys some of the decisions I made to change my life for the better.

Top – Eloquii (similar)| Pants – ASOS (similar) | Bag – Target (similar)

Shoes – Christion Siriano (similar)

My YouTube Channel

I have made the decision to step down from my YouTube channel for a while. In order for me to keep my sanity while managing the time for creating the career of my dreams, I had to let something go. If you guys weren’t aware, I was creating content for my blog, filming videos for my channel, and working on a second channel with a few of my co-workers all while working a full time job. It was pure madness! Needless to say, I have stopped working on both of the channels and have made the decision to focus on my blog.

Eliminate My Anxiety

Since I have been getting closer to God, I have been listening to gospel messages every morning before going to work. The message that has touched me the most was one given by TD Jakes “When Anxiety Attacks“. This video helped me even more than my original ways of getting rid of my anxiety that I spoke about in this post. The bible actually addresses how to handle anxiety attacks, and apparently I have been too focused on one part of my life and not paying attention to how blessed I am. So, I have made the decision to look at the full picture of my life from now on instead of just focusing on one section.

Just Do It

God blessed me with many talents, and the ability to create with my own bare hands. I can honestly say that the reason I am not living my best life at this very moment is because of my decision to take a back seat to the areas in life I have control of. Since I have come to the realization that my future is in my hands, I have stuck to my decision to just do it! So that is what I have been working on. I no longer want to participate in procrastination; I am just going to do it!


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Jessica Guarnizo
6 years ago

Those decisions that you have decided to take seem like good choices. Your health comes first and with God all things are possible! Also, I came here from ig… love your blog design btw!

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