How to Get Over Your Anxiety

plus size blogI remember when I was younger, and never had to battle with anxiety. My biggest worries were whether the boy I liked liked me back, or whether my mom would allow me to go out with my friends that weekend. Life was so much easier when we were younger, and had no real responsibilities. Why can’t things just go back to the way they were?

When I first heard the term “anxiety”, I had no idea what it meant. It seemed like everyone was struggling with it, and I was so confused as to what it was. If you are not sure, here is a definition straight from Webster:

Anxiety: (noun) meaning a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

how to get over anxiety

how to get over anxiety

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Do you ever recall shaking, or sweating from your forehead and palms whenever you had to read a speech in front of the class? We all know this to be stage fright, but it is another form of anxiety.

We could talk all night about the different forms of anxiety that people struggle with every day. But if you clicked the link to read this post, I’m sure you have a great understanding of where I am coming from. So far I have found a few tips that have helped me get over any anxiety I might have, and I would love to share them with you guys.

Go to sleep

If it is easy for you to lose sleep over something that is causing you anxiety, then this may not be the tip for you. Keep reading, because there are other tips below that can definitely help.

Taking a quick nap (or even a long nap) when I’m struggling with anxiety can give me the release from stress that I need. When you wake up from a long sleep, it makes you feel like you’ve just had a long cry. Your problem may not seem as big, and you just might find a solution once you have woken up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Sometimes we need to allow our brain and body to have a break from worry or stress. When we allow ourselves that time to recuperate, we can address the situation from a totally different angle than before. It can give us all the strength we need to start things fresh.

how to get over anxiety

Getting around your loved ones

This helps me so much, because I am never more comfortable around anyone other than my family. Being around my loved ones helps me knock all of my walls down, and be my authentic self. Not just because they are my family, but because they are the ones I can trust more than anyone else.

Just like other families, my family and I look out for one another and we don’t do things that will put the how to get over anxietyother person in harms way. So when I am full of anxiety and super stressed about a situation, I can always bring my worries and concerns to them.

Not only will they tell me everything I need to hear, but they will stay with me along the way. Be sure to utilize the biggest tool you have in battling your anxiety, and that is the love and support of your family and close friends.

Calling a Therapist or Counselor

how to get over anxietySometimes the struggles with your anxiety may need more professional help than what your loved ones can provide. If you feel that the battles with your anxiety are bringing about thoughts that are not in your best interest, then it is better to get in contact with a professional to help you with what you are going through.

It’s more simple now than ever to get help from a therapist or counselor. Businesses have made it so easy to get in contact with a professional by creating places such as Talkspace, Faithful Counceling, and how to get over anxietyBetter Help all of which have online counseling services and phone counseling services if you are not able to make it to an office. I found that these places are much more affordable as well.

I am very glad that adjustments have been made to make talking to a licensed professional so much easier for those who need it. If your struggles with anxiety are getting too much to bear, don’t hesitate to contact these places and ask for help.

how to get over anxiety

Take a moment and cry

Just like taking a nap, allowing yourself to cry can give the restart button you need. I know if I am really stressing over a situation or frustrated about something, once I cry, it feels like a ton of bricks have been lifted off of my shoulders.

Some people feel that crying is a sign of weakness, but it is the complete opposite. Sometimes it takes those salty tears to help you acknowledge what you are feeling and quickly work through it. No one wants to stay down for long (or at least I would hope not). I have found that crying can help you move through your emotions quicker, and get you on the other side of anxiety.

Don’t over think things

Have you ever noticed that you might have had a fear or frustration that started off small, but the more you thought about it, the more intense your feelings on the matter became? That’s because you are feeding the issue. Try not to surround your thoughts and worries on the things that cause you to have anxiety. The more you feed the problem, the bigger it will get.

For instance, if I were driving and had bad anxiety about possibly getting in a car accident, my actions while driving would make it easier for me to end up  in a car accident. Not only would I not be in full control and aware of my actions while driving, but I would be operating in fear. I would be so focused on avoiding a car accident from happening, that I would cause one because of fear.

Don’t give time and energy to the things that cause you to be anxious. If you do, you will give them the opportunity to control your life.

how to get over anxiety

how to get over anxiety

Whatever it is…Do it afraid

I am a firm believer that if there is something that causes you great anxiety every time you get ready to do it, that you should go ahead and do it afraid. I remember having so much anxiety about getting on a plane. My anxiety regarding flying was of the height of the plane, not being in control, and my life possibly being in danger.

Ever since I was young, I had the desire to travel. I decided to take the plunge and get on a flight…all by myself. It was nerve racking at first; I’m not going to lie. So, I brought my blessed oil lol, and made the decision that once I prayed about my safety I would no longer worry about it.

I had to fly afraid otherwise I would let my fear and anxiety of flying limit me from doing the things I have always wanted to do.

After you have made it through, go through it again

Don’t just stop after the first time of conquering your anxiety. Keep going. Over coming the battle once is not going to stop the war. You have to keep facing the thing that causes you all of the stress and anxiety, so you can master how to not allow it to take over your life.

Whether it is flying, driving, speaking, or none of the above, make it your habit so you no longer have to experience anxiety over it. After a while, your natural reaction of the situation will no longer be anxiety, but normalcy.

Hopefully these tips are something you can see yourself using to get over your anxiety. Do they seem simple enough? Which one do you see your self trying out first or using the most?


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