How to Encourage Yourself This Year

I’m writing this post after a long, stressful, irritating day when I definitely needed to take the time to encourage myself.

As you may know, I have been having a difficult time at work lately. If you are not aware, you can read my post on what to do when you’ve made a wrong turn in your career. Well, today at that very same job, I had everything thrown at me.

Sometimes it is hard for me to believe how easy it is for people to treat you unfairly. After today, I really need to reflect on the ways I encourage myself when everything is coming my way. So, I am going to write some tips I use to encourage myself.

Hat: Similar | Top: RoseGal | Pants: Lane Bryant |

Boots: Torrid | Bag: Kate Spade (similar) | Earrings: Torrid


I can’t begin to tell you guys how much prayer will work. If you are not a spiritual person, I understand how you may feel that this is not for you. On the other hand, I am a christian and going to God with my problems is like a child running to their father when they need his wisdom and protection. There are many things I have control over in life, but in those things that I can not manage I take them to my Heavenly Father.


One great way to encourage yourself is to pause, close your eyes, and breathe. When you feel like you are about to explode with anger and frustration, just take a moment to inhale and exhale your troubles to a lesser feeling. Most of the time when I am upset, I have curse words hitting the back of my teeth trying to make their way out. I also have tears knocking at my eyeballs trying to slide their way through. So, instead of letting them take control of me, I pause, close my eyes, and breathe to gain that control back.

Take a walk/break

There is nothing like a breath of fresh air and good scenery to get your mind off of what just hurt you or pissed you off. Not only is it a good way to get some steps in during the day, taking a walk can give you the steps you need to walk out of your frustrations. When it comes to encouraging yourself, taking a walk is an oldie but goodie.

Talk to someone who will understand

It never hurts to have an extra ear to help you through your rough times. Some people are very great at listening to your problems and offering some encouragement that will help you feel much better after the conversation is over. Make sure to have someone you trust, and will be completely transparent with you about your thoughts and struggles.

Pray some more!

I am not trying to be the christian that constantly shoves Christ down your throat. Prayer just works really well for me. It is so encouraging to tell Him your thoughts, and He be the one to fight all of your battles for you. Just think, if you don’t want to tell anyone else your business, who better to tell than the one who will keep all of your secrets?

I hope these tips on how to encourage yourself are things you can see yourself doing when the time is necessary. Trust me when I say, I completely understand feeling like you just can’t take it anymore and you don’t know how you will make it through another day. Just take it one day at a time, try some of these tips, and you will see yourself making it through more than you thought you could.

Until next time,





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Amanda Fuschak
Amanda Fuschak
7 years ago

Thanks Ashley. I really needed this today.

6 years ago

I came across your vlog on youtube and I absolutely love your message and style. I’m just starting out in the blogging world and I had now idea how much was involved. Thanks for this post! It’s helped me slow down a bit and understand that I need to take time for myself sometimes.

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