10 Ways to Treat Yourself During the Thanksgiving Break


This Thanksgiving, aren’t you just ready to dive in the bed and let your bills and family fend for themselves until after Christmas?

I don’t know about you guys, but by the time we get to Thanksgiving, I am already swamped and exhausted from everything I worked on and accomplished earlier in the year.

At this moment, you are so close to 2018 and yet you still have quite a bit to do. You have been an awesome, hardworking, dependable, magnificent woman to everyone this year.

So get ready to use some vacation time, because now it’s time to focus on you!

Here are 10 ways to treat yourself during the Thanksgiving break.

Disconnect from social media during Thanksgiving

I have gotten so much rest when I allowed myself some freedom from social media. Maybe it’s time to give yourself a break from all of the outfit posts on Instagram, and the angry/reflective posts on Facebook of the women who haven’t gotten a text back. Think about the things you used to do before social media was as big as it is today…your mind can use the break.

Light some candles around the house to set a relaxing mood.

I am so into candles right now! It is just something about the beautiful scent they create in a room, and the slight warm reflection of their flame that calms me down very quickly. Get you 2-3 candles, and light those bad boys. I suspect you will be kicking your feet up on the coffee table in no time.

Soak in a milky bubble bath

Honey…when I tell you a tub full of bubbles, bath milk, bath oils, and bath salt can soak all of your cares away…I am not kidding. I rarely get a chance to do this, but when I do it has definitely relaxed me to the point of sleep. Grab one of your candles, a book or a magazine and allow the water and skin care products to work their magic.

Go get a massage (or get him to do it for you!)

I have not had a massage in over a year, and I am well over due. Not only does a massage literally allow your muscles to relax, but it helps your mind relax as well. There has not been a massage that did not put me to sleep lol.

Snuggle under a blanket, turn off the lights, and watch your favorite movies

This is nothing new, but still very relaxing. Especially if you are watching something you absolutely love, and are cuddled under a blanket that smells like the fresh smelling scent of Gain J

Cut off the alarms and wake up by sunlight

Alarms tell you what to do all week long. Allow yourself to wake up by sunlight a few times during the break. If you happen to wake up at 12pm, so be it! Just come back and tell me what you dreamt about.

Buy something online or in the store just for yourself (without breaking the bank)

I know you have had you eye on something for yourself all year long! It’s ok to get that thing. Honestly, I don’t use major sale holidays such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday to shop for other people…I shop for myself. (don’t judge me)

Eat your favorite meal

To me, Thanksgiving is not the time to be thinking about “healthy eating”. Your body has brought you through this entire year. Bless it with some good sweet and savory food!

Take a day to do all of the things you have wanted to do for yourself

What are some places you want to go, people you want to see, and things you like to do. Go do them during this break. Be sure to spend that week doing the things you want to do.

Invite your loved one or friend over (the calm one) and just sit, laugh, and talk.

Lastly, enjoy your friends and family. We all have those crazy, inappropriate, or drunk relatives but you can never get another family. Invest time with them and cherish them while they are still here.

Until next time my loves,



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