Is Fashion Nova’s Curve Line Leggit?

fashion nova

I’ll admit that at first I was a little nervous about buying clothes from Fashion Nova. They have the most beautiful pieces at unbelievable prices, so I can’t help but to covet their clothes. Going to their curve section and seeing the no less than perfect, barbie sized women modeling the plus size garments made me wonder if they would actually fit me. But…if you’re not worried about a little buyers remorse, then you ain’t living honey!

fashion nova
fashion nova
fashion nova
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Top: Sexy Secretary Sweater Jeans: Super High Waist Skinnies

Shoes: I stole them from my mom 😈

I would like to apologize for the quality of the pictures. This is my first and last time doing a blog shoot at night!

So, I bit the bullet and bought a couple of things from Fashion Nova, and trust me…I had nothing to worry about! My entire outfit (minus the shoes) is from Fashion Nova. At first, I thought their high waisted jeans couldn’t possibly have enough elasticity to fit my size 20 frame, but they did and they are very comfortable! Also, I was able to find the cutest non-traditional secretary sweater, which is quite warm might I add.

I’m definitely going to buy more from Fashion Nova since I was a happy camper with my first order. I often catch myself going to their site just to look for inspiration of new outfits. I will definitely let you guys know what is in my next order from Fashion Nova. Be sure to check the list below to view other items I’ve purchased as well as some of my current favorites.



The Glass Slipper – Transparent

Sexy Secretary Sweater

Super High Waist Denim Skinnies – Black

Wish List

Bad Influence Dress – Burgundy

Love Sex Magic Dress – Navy

Addicted to Love Dress – Black

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