I first saw the styling company, Dia & Co, on Facebook when scrolling through my news feed. I didn’t know much about the company, but I not too long ago learned much more while at The Curvy Fashionista Style Expo.
So, being the curious person I am, I decided to order my first Dia box earlier this month. First I created an account, answered a few questions, and paid my $20 styling fee. Based on my profile, my stylist sent me 5 items within my price range for me to try on. I actually didn’t expect to like everything once I got the box, but needless to say with the information I provided, my stylist hit the mark perfectly! Im sure you saw most of my pieces in the pics above.
Since I kept all of the pieces that came in my box, I received 20% off my entire order. Not only that, but the $20 styling fee I initially paid also went towards the final balance. So I’m the lucky girl that gets to walk way with these great pieces and a nice sized discount. Check out Dia & Co, and don’t be afraid to share the news with a friend. You just might get your $20 styling fee waived!
Until next time my loves,
Outfit Details
Diana lace off the shoulder tunic – Hayden LA 2XL Dia & Co
Black & Gold Misti Necklace – Bijoux
Ryan Dress – Emerald 2X