I thought I’d show an outfit I came up with for a night out in Houston. This skirt from Forever 21 happens to be one that I wear to work most of the time, but I decided to switch up its look by adding this old net top that is also from Forever 21. I am a sucker for black clothes so the fact they looked great paired together made me want to just go with it. For bras, Lane Bryant’s Cacique line is one of my go to brands for when I need to re-up. This bra happened to be so flattering under the top that I didn’t wear a shell underneath the shirt.

These very comfortable “Justfab Heeled Sandals Noemia Womens Black Size 8”“>wide heel strap sandals are from JustFab. It was important to do a simple shoe since my shirt and bra are the statement pieces for the outfit. I have had a membership to JustFab for over 2 years now & I have to say they are the reason I prefer online shopping. The shipping is fast, the customer service is great, and the products last! I still wear the shoes from my very first purchase. The way it works is you sign up for free, take a short style quiz, & get your personalized boutique every month. If shopping is not in the budget that month, you can easily “skip this month” between the 1st & 5th of the month by selecting the button on your boutique page. If you don’t skip you are charged the monthly amount of $39.95 and receive a credit for 1 item at that price on your JustFab account. By the way, the credits roll over so you never lose your credit if you don’t use it in the same month 🙂
So basically I switched up my work skirt by adding a statement top & bra with a simple shoe and I got my look for the night. You can also switch it up by making the skirt your statement so I thought I’d give you some choices below. So recreate this look, snap that confidence into place and go out and show your curves honey!
Also, below are some Products from JustFab! Sign up to JustFab for free today & get access to items for as little as $39.95!
Have a great week!

So cute